Projects - Editions





Mai-Thu Perret

solo exhibitions
Apocalypse Ballet, Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin
Solid objects (Exhibition with Valentin Carron), Chisenhale Gallery, London
The Renaissance Society, Chicago
Paralleles Leben, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
Model Modernism, Artist Space, New York
Wednesday calls the Future, National Art Center, Tiblissi, Georgien
In the poem about love the word love does not appear, CCA, Glasgow
NY Twice, Air de Paris, Paris
Situational Prosthetics, New Langton Arts Center, San Francisco
Statements, Art Basel 35, Basel
Centre d’édition contemporaine, Geneva
Pure self-expression x25, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern
The Modern Institute, Glasgow
We close our eyes in order to see, Glassbox, Paris
Land of Crystal, Le Studio, CAN, Neuchâtel


selected group exhibitions
Exposition des Bourses Des Fonds Berthoud, Lissignol-Chevalier et Galland, Centre d’art Contemporain, Geneva
Madame la baronne était assez grotesque, plutôt rococo et totalement baroque, Centre d’Art Mira Phalaina, Paris
Inside now, we walked into a room with coca-cola coloured walls, Grazer Kunstverein
The Endless Summer, westlondonprojects, London
Unter 30, IV - Junge Schweizer Kunst | Jeune Art Suisse, CentrePasquArt Kunsthaus Centre d'art, Bienne
Model Modernism, Artist Space, New York
Parallel Life, Frankfurter Kunstverein
Wednesday Calls the Future, National Arts Center, Tbilissi
In the poem about love the word love does not appear, Center for Contemporary Art, Glasgow
Fürchte Dich, Helmhaus, Zurich
Leviathan Rising Under Moon’s Influence, Champion Fine Arts, Brooklyn, NY
The Age Of Optimism, Kilchmann Galerie, Zurich
None of the above, Swiss Institute, New York
Tuesday’s gone, Karvasla, Tibilissi
Year, Brooklyn, NY, curated by Wade Guyton
Form/Kontext/Troja, Secession, Vienna
Socialism–A love letter, Fia Backström Productions, Brooklyn, NY
Fink Forward the collection/collection, Kunsthaus Glarus
The return of the creature, Künstlerhaus Thurn + Taxis, Bregenz
Liste 2002, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern
Rock Paper Scissors, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern
Get Angry – Perspectives romandes 3, Espace Arlaud, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne
Wahrscheinlich (vraisemblablement), Alimentation Générale Art Contemporain, Luxemburg
Liste 2001, Basel, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern
The New Domestic LandscapeGaleria Javier Lopez, Madrid
Dr Wings, Air de Paris, Paris
Why can’t monsters get along with other monsters, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern
Etat des lieux #2, Prefiguration of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson, Fri-Art, Fribourg