Projects - Editions




Solo Shows

Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, Switzerland
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Kunsthalle Nurngerg, Nurnberg, Germany

Continuous Project Altered Daily , ICA London, United Kingdom
Family of Man, Centre d’art Contemporain, Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France
If I could turn back time If I could find a way, Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe, Germany
In Place and Out of Place, Yvon Lambert, Paris, France
Untitled & Unfinished (Afghanistan), The British School at Rome, Rome, Italy
Two Correlated Rotations, Ecole de Beaux Arts, Nantes, France
Florida Calls, The Moore Space, Miami

Minimal Artists try to make something look like nothing and conceptual artists try to make nothing look like something, or is it the other way around?, Yvon Lambert New York.
Ocean Wave … But Didn’t Bas Jan Ader Drink Heineken, Künstlerhaus
Bremen, Bremen*, Germany
Time/Explained/Lengthened/Suspended, Spruth Magers Projekte, Munich, Germany
The Unrealised Realised, Gio Marconi, Milan, Italy
The Unseen Unseen, Judin Belot, Zurich, Switzerland
sculptures neons drawings, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen
John Baldessari - Jonathan Monk, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen
Dutch Details and other details, At Bürofriedrich, Berlin, Germany

Looking through a hole large enough for me to see you, but not large enough for you to see me, La Salle de Bain, Lyon, France
Time and or Space, The Swiss Institute, New York, USA
The Unrealised Realised realised in New York, Casey Kaplan, New York, USA
Neither a borrower, nor a lender be, Arnolfini, Bristol, United Kingdom
Projected Works, Lisson Gallery, London, United Kingdom
I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside, Galleria Sonia
Rosso, Torino, Italy
During the exhibition the gallery will be open, Galerie Jan Mot, Brüssel, Belgium
small fires burning (after Ed Ruscha after Bruce Nauman after, Grazer
Kunstverein, Graz
YES/NO/MAYBE, Programa Arts Centre, Mexico City

Roundabout, Present Tense, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, USA
1 + 1 = 2, Meyer Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe, Germany
Today is almost as yesterday, Galerie Diana Stickter, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Today is a copy of yesterday, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Freelane, Casey Kaplan, New York, USA
The 366th Sunset, am Parlamentsplatz. Frankfurt/Main (with Isabell Heimerdinger)
How the world works, LAC, Sigean, France

If you stare at a printed page for long enough it starts to move, Galerie Yvon Lambert,
Paris, France
You’ll get a bang out of this, Galerie Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark (with
Douglas Gordon)
our trip out west, CAC, Vilnius (with Pierre Bismuth) (C)

Karlsruhe, Germany
Gyrostasis, (mit Dave Allen), Workwebart, Cologne, Germany
Something between something and something else, Sonia Rosso Gallery,
Pordenone, Italy (C)
Le Spot, Le Havre
Tea Party at 136 and other Works, Yvon Lambert, Paris, France

...and do you think Phileas Fogg (David Niven) really went around the world in eighty
days in the film Around the World in 80 Days?, Casey Kaplan, New York, USA
... & in Rumble Fish, does Rusty James (Matt Dillon) really ride his brother´s motorbike to the ocean? Jack Hanley, San Francisco, USA
Meine Onkel, Meyer Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe, Germany

Tea Party at 136 and other Works, Yvon Lambert, Paris, France
Some Time spend looking through a Window, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern, Germany
In the search of Gregory Peck, Lisson Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen Denmark.

Casey Kaplan, New York, USA
Anything by the Smiths, Centre D´Art Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland

Crash Bang Wallop, City Racing, London, United Kingdom
The Time Between the 12th and 13th of January 1996, c/o Alte Gerhardsen, Oslo,
Brush with Death, Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland.
Salon Ryman, Frac des pays de la Loire Nantes, France

The Agonie, The Ecstasy (and some other stuff), Galleri Index, Stockholm, Sweden
A Brush with Death, Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland (C)
Lust for Life, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark

Almost Enough, Video Show, CCA, Glasgow, Scotland
Old Peculiar, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
My Record Collection, Bentinck St. Glasgow, Scotland

On the Cheap, CCA, Glasgow, Scotland

Group Shows

Post Notes, curated by Adam Carr, Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Post Notes, ICA, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, England
Post Notes, CAC, Vilnius, Lithuania
Dedicated to you, but you weren’t listening, The Power Plant, Toronto, USA
Slide Show, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, USA
Logical Conclusion: 40 years of rule-base art, PaceWildenstein, New York, USA
Baby Shower, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
(IN)TENSION, Beaulieu Gallery, Gent, Belgium
Today Is Just A Copy Of Yesterday, Galerie Jan Mot, Brussel, Belgium
We Disagree, Andrew Kreps, New York, USA
Un Art de Lecteurs, A la galerie Art & Essai de l’Universite Rennes 2, Rennes, France
Saltuna: The Baltic Sea Experience, Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmô, Sweden
En route : via another route, an exhibition on board the Trans-Siberian Train, curated by: Adam Carr (September 11th-20th)
Baby Shower, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Green on Red Gallery, Dublin, Irland

Fairwell to 14th Street, Casey Kaplan New York, USA
Small: The Object in FilmVideo and Slide Installation, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA
Artists’ Favourites, ICA, London, United Kingdom
Terminal 5, JFK International Airport, New York, USA
Formalismus. Moderne Kunst, heute, Kunstverien in Hamburg, Germany
Em Jogo/On Side, CAV, Coimbra, Portugal
io mi ricordo, Galleria S.A.L.E.S., Rome, Italy
Gegen dem Strich, Kunsthalle Baden Baden, Germany
Cave Birds, Raffaella Cortese, Milan, Italy
Ce qui reste, Galerie du TNB, Rennes, France
Ulysses, Atelier Angarten, Vienna, Austria
It's All an Illusion. A Sculpture Project, Migros Museum, Zürich, Switzerland
Play List, Palais de Tokio, Paris, France
What did you expect?, Galerie Jan Mot, Brüssel, Belgium
Five Billion Years, The Swiss Institute, New York, USA
Mute, Giuld & Greyshkul Gallery, New York, USA
Arbeiten auf Papier/Works on Paper, Sprüht Magers Projekte, Munich, Germany
The Next Documenta Should Be Curated by an Artist, curated by Jens Hoffmann,
Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul

Adorno. Die Möglichkeit des Unmöglichen, Kunstverein Frankfurt, Germany (C)
Awaiting a Call, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
In portraiture irrelevance is ugliness, at Museum Schloss Hardenberg,
Perfect Timeless Repetition, c/o Atle Gerhardsen, Berlin, Germany
The Daimler Chrysler Collection, Museum für neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, Germany
The Distance between me and you, Lisson Gallery, London, United Kingdom
A Nova Geomtria, Galeria Fortes Vilaca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fue de Bois, FRAC des pays de la Loire, Nantes, France
Turbulent Screen, Edith-Russ-Haus für Media Kunst, Oldenburg, Germany
Ten Years, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Love, Magazin 4 Bregenzer Kunstverein, Austria
Passing Water, Artmetropole, Toronto, Canada

Basics, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Germany
In between, Kunsthaus Langenthal
Tableau Vivants, Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria (C)
Photographier, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France
The Berlin Files, De Chiara Gallery, New York, USA
Minimalism and after, Collection Daimler Chrysler Berlin, Germany
No Return. Sammlung Haubrok, Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, Germany (C)
Kunst nach Kunst, Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen
Sport in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthalle Nürnberg
Drawing in Motion, Forum Stadtpark Graz
Jim Jonathan Kenny Frances and Sol, Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam,
Animation, P.S.1, New York, USA

Nothing, CAC Vilnius, Lithuania, touring (C)
bb2, Berlin Biennale, Berlin, Germany (C)
One for one, Circles no. 4, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
Moving Pictures. Photography and Film in Contemporary Art. 5th
International Photo Triennale Esslingen , Germany(C)
Camoshow, Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany (C)
G3NY13, Casey Kaplan, New York, USA
Out from Under, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Group Show, Galeri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark

Drive, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand (C)
Au-delà du spectacle, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France(C)
I love Paris, Arnolfini, Bristol, United Kingdom
10-6, Casey Kaplan, New York, USA
Diary, Cornerhouse, Manchester, United Kingdom
Rendez-vous 1 & 2, Collection Lambert-Musee d'art Contemporain, Avignon, France (C)
The sky is the limit, Taippei Bienale, Taippei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan (C)
Transfert, the 10th Swiss Sculptur Projekt, Biel/Bienne (C)
Sentimental, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris, France (C)
A shot in the head, Lisson Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Urban Hymns, Luckman Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
Lisson Gallery in Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom
For those about to rock, Galerie der Stadt Schwaz, Austria(C)

Grand Opening Show, Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Landscape Memories, Rosamund Felsen, Los Angeles, California, USA
Lisson Gallery Artists, Chac-Mool, Los Angeles, California, USA
Bildung, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria (C)
1998 Le Printemps de Cahor. John Armleder, Angela Bulloch, Pierre Joseph,
Jonathan Monk, Studio d´art, Le Havre, France
Work in progress and or finished, Übermain, LA, USA
1997 What is a guy from Leiceister, a Swedish girl, a family father and a gay couple doing on a
deserted island between Denmark and Sweden? (curated by Jacob Fabricius),
Copenhagen, Denmark
It always jumps back and finds a way, De Apple Foundation, Amsterdam
Des Histoires en Formes, Magasin, Grenoble

Host, OB projects, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Insane, Stupid, Phat, Fuct, Pervert, Concrete Skates, Glasgow, Scotland
Transmission, Globe, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ojective Lune, Centre d´art Contemporain Neuchatel, Switzerland

Ideal Standard Summertime, Lisson Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Gang Warfare, Dallas and IAS London, United Kingdom
Making Work, Salafadet, Copenhagen, Denmark

Young Scottish Artists, Overgarten, Copenhagen, Denmark
On Line, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Art Unlimited, CCA, Glasgow, touring Manchester, Leeds, London, United Kingdom

Instructions for Liam Gillick, Gio Marconi Gallery, Milan, Italy (C)
November TV, Ester Schipper Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Superprix, Glasgow, Scotland.
Sale to European Parliament, Paley Wright Gallery, London, England.
Salon Glasgow, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scotland.
Contact, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland.(Catalogue)


Articles and Reviews

La Candid fotocamera di Monk, by Giuliana Scimé, Corriere della Sera, February 19

Spot the celebrity, Art Review, Feb 2003 p.36.
Martin Coomer, Jonathan Monk, Time Out, London, 19 Feb 2003.
Pierre Bismuth and Jonathan Monk, The Guardian, 24 Feb 2003,p.18
Jonathan Monk/Pierre Bismuth, Art Monthly, March 2003, p.21
Helen Smithson, Art of nostalgia, Wood & Vale Express, Highbury & Islington Express,
Hampstead & Highgate Express, 7th Feb 03
Jonathan Monk: Neither a borrower, nor a lender be, Arnolfini, Bristol, Art Review, March 03
Martin Herbert, Jonathan Monk, Frieze, issue 75, May 03, p.94
Charles Darwent, The best clearance that I’ve seen for quite some time, Independent onSunday, 13th July 03

Ken Johnson, Art In Review, The New York Times, January 18 02
Michael Wilson, Jonathan Monk, Artforum, February 02
Massimiliano Gioni, New York Cut Up: Art Fragments from the Big Apple (‘Live In Your
Head’), Flash Art, March-April 2002
Beaux Art, Jonathan Monk, édition 2002
Chris Hammonds, Dave Allen, Douglas Gordon & Jonathan Monk, in: “Air Guitar: Art
Reconsidering Rock Music”, Milton Keynes Gallery, curated by Emma Mahony, (cat.)Uta
Grosenick; Burkhard Riemschneider, Art Now, 137 Artists at the Rise of the New
Millennium, Taschen, ISBN 3-8228-1444-X
Sara Harrison, Art Guitar: Art Reconsidering Rock Music, Art Monthly, No. 259,
September 2002, p. 35-37
Craig Richardson, Greyscale/CMYK, Art Monthly, Oct. 2002, No. 260, p. 39-40
Raimar Stange, One of you among you with you, Modern Painters, Winter 2002, p. 66-69

Peter Herbstreuth, Berlin Biennale in Kunst-Werke, Kunst-Bulletin, June, p. 39
Alex Lapp, Berlin Biennale 2, Art Monthly, June 01, pp. 8-11
Dominic Eichler, Berlin Biennale 2, Frieze, Issue 61, p. 103
Saskia Bos, Avantgarde zum Anfassen. In: Elle May 2001, p.100

Sabine B. Vogel, For those about to rock, Kunst-Bulletin, Lucern, Switzerland, April
William Packer, Screening Time, Financial Times, May 6
Stephanie Moisdon Trembley, Jonathan Monk, Art Press International, Paris, pp. 78-79, July-August
Stephanie Moisdon Trembley, Jonathan Monk, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Art Press, no.259, July-August
Raimar Stange, Jonathan, der Libero, Kunst Bulletin, (CH), pp.10-15, Sept. 00